The Enduring Nature of Humankind
Our Human “Together-hood”
The arc of humanity has endured countless life altering transitions throughout the course of our existence—each time, challenging the resilience of our being. It turns out that humanity holds within it, an undercurrent of magnetic propulsion, expounding the very nature of what it means to live a full life, one that seeks to further the depths of true meaning, to extend our ability to love and laugh as creatures of earth.
Here, now, in spring of 2020, we pause our once know world to save our own selves. A species now totaling 7.8 billion souls — we must go inward, towards a future yet known. The COVID-19 virus has swept the world by storm and continues to pound the populous of the world over. Our turn towards together-hood might be our only path forward—to exude a separate, yet networked trial of interconnectedness.
Organizing at a Global Scale
Imagine for a moment the gravity of human advancement coming to a screeching halt—a titanic shift in a matter of weeks. That’s how humanity has shifted its economies » down to the basis of our every day living. Entire countries have oriented towards a shelter-in-place doctrine India, a country of some 1.2 billion people went on a total lockdown.
And yet, the depths of human fortitude show great promise! Never before have we organized at such a scale, with such discipline—both for ourselves and others. Have we been perfect? Nope. Certainly not. Our instincts have kicked into overdrive (fight or flight mode) to combat a deadly life form that brings with it such radical fecundity. This virus is kicking our ass butt, it is war we are stepping into. The virus is winning the battle, but our human trajectory will undoubtedly cast our speciation with an enduring force into the future.
Humanities Revision
Our advancement in modern times has been put in check by mother nature herself. We are and will forever be connected to our dear earth. We must look towards our new state of livelihood with a deep embrace, as we are among a massive sea change in the will of the world. We are stepping into a territory that requests a deep seated revision. And what better time for all of society to do it than in our togetherness? History suggests that innovation comes most prevalently in times of distress! Let us design our lives anew —transformed into something that quite possibly would have never come to light if it weren’t for such an uncertain worldly event.
It’s times like these, where the depth of reflection is truly most magnificent, and fully understood when we go inward, throughout time, into ourselves, forever.
Essential Formulation
The world will forever be reshaped by the events of this pandemic. It’s is imperative that we capture and rebuild the formulation ? of life as the basis by which we define the next trajectory of humanity. What values will we sweep into our core ethos? We are undergoing a reset that is asking all of us to reimagine a new version of our collective self. What essentialist principles will you pool into your days? How will you become a new, more authentic and virtuous human?
Designing our Future, Forward
Humanities movement into this new decade have hit us like a freight train! And yet, here we are, beckoning on—momentarily paralyzed by the very thought of loosing our known way of living. The future is in our collective capacity to design it! What pivots and adjustments will we make as we begin to turn the corner on this damn virus? What will we let fall by the wayside in favor of a new, brighter future?
The virtuosity of life is here, now, as it was, as it remains, and as it always will be. It is entirely within our collective declaration that we turn wholeheartedly onto a more connected and socially rich transcendent future. It is in all motion, both big and small that will shape the resounding nature of a life yet known—of true proportion—sized to create the most vibrant formulation of humanity the world has yet seen.
Towards our future, forward!