Boundlessly Cast in Biota
A bloomed field spills with fecund
onto the life force inherent within
intrinsically cast » all or nothing —
the natural world chooses abundance
always in her fullness —
as is the cherry tree…
knowing, know limits —
reproducción, ahora y siempre (now and forever)
What abounds most fully in this lifeform?
Knowing oneself more fully, each new day?
Ah, blossom — how you find a way to allure —
held captive through your persistent-bodied eye,
if we remain a natural entity,
are all things cast by womanness part of nature?
She remains, without doubt, our greatest signal
Back to the body —
the mind —
to the spirit in thy —
Find a way dear friend, to arrive alas —
at our humanness in you —
In kindred formulaic crystalline —
cast backward « + » forthward in abounding timelessness
Con propulsión sin fin —